6 Things to Confirm with Your Realtor Before Finalizing a House Deal

Buying a house is probably one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. It’s more than just picking out a place with pretty curtains or a nice yard. It’s about finding a space you can call home for years to come. And to ensure this process goes smoothly, it’s vital to keep open lines of communication with your realtor. 

Before you dot the i’s and cross the t’s on that agreement, there are essential details you need to confirm.

Pro-Tip: Avoid Overwhelm by Planning Everything:

As you get closer to finalizing your house deal, the thrill of moving into a new space can sometimes overshadow some fundamental tasks, and one of the most common ones people tend to delay is hiring residential movers. Here’s why and how you should prioritize this task:

Moving isn’t just about transporting boxes from Point A to Point B. It involves organizing, packing, scheduling, and sometimes even decluttering. Waiting until the last minute to think about this can lead to unnecessary stress and might even cost you more.

Firstly, the best moving companies often have bookings weeks or even months in advance, especially during peak moving seasons like summer. If you delay, you might not get your preferred date or even your preferred company. It could mean settling for a less reputable company or one that doesn’t offer the specific services you might need.

Additionally, a well-thought-out move can help you save money. When you give yourself time, you can compare quotes, negotiate rates, and even decide if some items might be better sold or donated rather than moved. So, look up residential movers near me and hire the most reliable ones to carry out your move. 

Now, let’s go over the things you must confirm:

Property’s True Condition:

You’ve seen the photos. Maybe you’ve even taken a virtual tour or visited in person. But how well do you really know the house you’re about to buy? Photos and short visits can’t capture everything.

Start by asking your realtor about any undisclosed issues or recent repairs. Why is this important? Well, sometimes there might be problems that were recently fixed. For example, a leaky roof might have been patched up a month ago. While it’s great that the issue was addressed, knowing about it can give you insights into potential problems down the line.

Next, inquire about the age of major systems, which includes things like the roof, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. A roof that’s nearing the end of its lifespan might need replacement soon, which is a cost you’ll want to factor in. Similarly, older HVAC systems might not be as efficient as newer ones. Understanding these aspects will not only help you make an informed decision but can also be a negotiating point in the final price.

Inclusions and Exclusions in the Sale:

Have you ever heard stories of people buying a house only to find out that the lovely chandelier in the dining room wasn’t included? Such situations can and do happen. So, it’s crucial to get clarity.

Ask your realtor for a list of what’s included and what’s not. Common items that can go either way include appliances like refrigerators, ovens, and washing machines. But sometimes, even things like light fixtures or custom-made sheds can be up for negotiation.

If there’s something you particularly like, and it’s not on the list, speak up. Maybe the sellers are willing to leave it behind for an extra fee. Or perhaps they hadn’t even thought about it and are happy to include it. 

Closing Costs and Other Financial Details:

Money matters can be a bit tricky, but they’re vital to understand. When buying a house, the price you see isn’t always the total amount you pay. There are usually extra fees called closing costs.

Ask your realtor for a clear breakdown of these costs, including things like inspection fees, appraisal fees, and legal fees. Knowing these details will ensure you’re financially prepared when it’s time to close the deal.

Additionally, if the house is part of a homeowner association (HOA), there might be fees associated with that. It’s crucial to understand how much they are and what they cover. Similarly, get information on any special assessments or potential changes in property taxes. 

Timeline for Moving:

When you’re buzzing with excitement about moving into your new home, it’s easy to overlook the nitty-gritty of exactly when you can make the move. It’s not just about knowing the day you get the keys; it’s also about understanding what can affect that date.

Begin by asking your realtor for the exact date of possession since this is the day when the house officially becomes yours. You’ll want to synchronize this date with other aspects of your move, like hiring movers or scheduling time off work.

However, sometimes there can be bumps in the road. There might be contingencies in the agreement, such as the sellers needing to find a new home first. If something like this is in the agreement, it’s essential to know, as it might shift the possession date.

Another detail to consider is what happens if there’s a delay on either side. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes things don’t go as planned. Discuss with your realtor if there are penalties or allowances for changing the move-in date. 

Title and Legal Concerns:

When you buy a house, you’re not just buying bricks and wood. You’re buying a legal entity with a history. And it’s crucial to ensure this history doesn’t come back to haunt you.

A ‘title’ is a legal document proving ownership. You want a clean title, which means the property doesn’t have any claims or restrictions against it. Ask your realtor if they’ve checked the title. They should be able to confirm that there aren’t any issues, like unpaid debts or legal claims tied to the property.

Also, it’s best to ask about any easements, liens, or encroachments related to the property. In simple terms, you’ll want to know if anyone else has rights to part of your property or if there are boundary disputes.

Lastly, sometimes properties can be involved in legal disputes. It could be anything from boundary issues with neighbors to more significant concerns. While these situations are not common, it’s always best to check and be sure.

Post-Sale Details and Responsibilities:

A common post-sale detail is the transfer of utilities. You’ll need to coordinate with local utility companies to ensure services like water, electricity, and gas are transferred to your name. Your realtor should be able to guide you on when and how to do this.

If the sellers agree to make repairs or adjustments after the sale, keep track of these. Whether it’s fixing a leaky tap or taking care of some landscaping, ensure these tasks are completed as promised.

And remember, reliable realtors don’t just disappear after the sale. They’re there to help you settle in. So, if you have questions or need recommendations, like where to find a trustworthy plumber or a great local café, don’t hesitate to reach out.


Buying a home is a big step, filled with excitement, dreams, and, naturally, a ton of questions. Keeping the lines of communication open with your realtor is essential. By ensuring clarity on these six points, you’re setting yourself up for a smoother, more enjoyable home-buying journey. Your future self will thank you for taking the time now to understand and confirm these details, leading to a happier home-owning experience.

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