
Commercial Kitchen | What To Consider When Buying A Commercial Ice Maker

Many industries in the food and beverage service industry require a commercial ice-making machine to promote smooth daily operations. As the name suggests, a commercial ice maker is a machine that can make ice cubes in large quantities. The following article helps you purchase the best ice maker for your business – whether you are a first-time buyer or seeking to upgrade to a new one.

The Ice Maker Type

Your business deserves the best ice maker machine to guarantee constant and reliable delivery. There are two main types of commercial ice maker machines;

  1. The Modular Units – it’s also referred to as ice machine heads. It produces ice but does not store the produced ice. It hence requires an external dispenser or storage unit to be attached to it. This is ideal for a business owner who is on a budget.
  2. The Self-Contained Machines – unlike the modular units, the self-contained ice maker machines produce and store the produced ice. The self-contained ice maker has two types of ice maker machines: the Under Counter machine and the Counter Top Machine.

The State of the Ice Maker Machine

Depending on the buyers’ budget, one may opt to buy a new or a used ice maker machine. The choice of buying a used ice maker machine is a tempting offer considering its price is lower than a new one. The major problem is that a used ice maker may end up being costly due to its frequent cleaning, repairs and maintenance. Doing an in-depth evaluation of a used ice maker machine can help you identify some of the possible repair needs beforehand. Some of the key things to check out for include the corrosion level or the wear and tear of the compartments. Also, check out corroded or bent condenser coils. Dig deeper into the history of the machine to get a clear understanding of the ice maker machine.

The Ice Output Capacity

Different businesses have different ice requirements. When considering the best ice maker machine to buy, consider greatly the ice needs of your business. Different ice maker machines have different ice output capacities. A moderate ice maker machine has a production capacity of between 300 lbs – 600 lbs every day. The higher-capacity ice maker can produce up to 3000 lbs per day. The greatest importance of ice maker output capacity is that it should always meet the business requirements. Meaning, don’t buy a lower-output ice maker machine when your business requires a higher amount of ice.

The Ice Type Produced

A lot of businesses overlook the type of ice needed when buying an ice maker machine. There Are different types of ice meant to suit different needs. Getting an ice maker that produces the type of ice needed by your business increases business profitability. Some of the common types of ice include Half Cube, Full Cube, and Gourmet. Their usage ranges from salad bars, cocktails, nursing homes, carbonated drinks and waiter stations among others.

The Condenser Type

A condenser is similar to an engine whose key function is to produce ice. There are three common types of ice maker condensers;


Air-cooled condensers are popular due to their cost-effective nature. They use air to maintain the ice temperature and help the machine lose heat.


Unlike the air-cooled condenser, the water-cooled ice maker condenser uses water to lose heat from the machine as well as maintain the ice temperature.

3. Remote-Cooled

The remote-cooled ice maker condenser is very similar to the air-cooled condenser. The main difference is that the condenser is located outside of the ice-maker machine.

The Ice Maker size

Business premises vary in size that are determined by the capacity it intends to use. Before getting an ice maker machine, it’s best to consider the designated size for the ice maker machine. This makes it easy to fit and without space compression. The best way to determine the best size for an ice maker machine is to measure the available space in inches. In the measurements consider the ice bins and the ventilation. Also, ensure there is a sufficient electrical supply and adequate plumbing. Get an ice maker machine that suits the space comfortably.

In Summary

Other considerations to make is the budget for cleaning, repairs and maintenance. Ice maker machines have high wear and tear making them prone to regular cleaning maintenance and repairs. This can be done by the warranty if active – if the warranty is expired you’ll have to pay from pocket. Get a trustable company to do these things to ensure the machine runs steadily and consistently.

Before the delivery of the ice maker machine, ensure you’re ready for the machine by following these simple steps. First, ensure there is enough space. Secondly, ensure the plumbing work has been well done. Lastly, ensure the electrical wiring is done with an adequate electrical supply.

Elizabeth Jaranbell

In the last recent years, Home & Improvement always be my concern. I love the clean room with a warm color. We love to share some ideas with you, and here I am writing these articles about home & Improvement. I hope you enjoy my writing. Have A Nice Day. Cheers.

Published by
Elizabeth Jaranbell